Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday, February 13th

Please answer the following blog based on your grade level. Make sure you include your name in your post or you will not receive credit! If you get done and have time, you may choose to answer another grade level blog.

6th: Can you develop a proposal for how a reading class should be taught in 6th grade? How much time should be spent independently reading? Blogging? Doing projects? Read alouds? Is there something that is missing from reading class? As a teacher, what would you do in a middle school reading classroom? 

8th: You may choose one of the following 2 questions to answer:
What does Chip learn about himself? Do you think a kid has the right to know whether or not they are adopted? Why or why not? Defend your answer. Do you think you would want to know about your birth parents or would you be content as Jonah seems to be?


 Katherine tells Jonah, “…If you’re going through some adolescent ‘Who am I?’ phase, it’s not because you’re adopted. Everyone goes through that. I don’t know who I am either.” (p. 54) Do you feel like this? Do you wonder how others will define you? Do you care?

7th: Reality TV has been a part of the entertainment world since the early days of television (Miss America, Candid Camera, etc.), but in the 21st century there has been a tremendous growth of competitive shows and survival shows. Discuss this phenomenon with respect to The Hunger Games.  What other aspects of popular culture do you see reflected in the story?