Sunday, February 25, 2007

:-) ME :-)

Here's me, taking it easy on the weekend!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Miss Thompson's Birthday

Today everybody kept on singing this awful song. Then this girl came over the intercom and said something. Everybody cheered. It was wierd. Then they all left the classroom.

They finally came back. A bunch of people walked out. I don't know where they went. Then these two short grandma and grandpa looking people walked in.

At the end of the day, the kids sang that awful song again!


Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Valentine's Day

It was 8:15 when my alarm clock went off. Miss T. was already in my room. I was just waiting for those kids to come in...finally they came in and startled me. There was this big box covered in tin foil. It had a big red heart in the middle. Then I saw the chocolate on Miss T's desk. I couldn't stop lookng at it. I was so interested that I didn't notice the lights go off and everyone leave. I was still looking at the chocolate when the kids came in. It was loud again. They were doing math when they left for about one-half an hour, came back and did their math for 15 minutes, and left again. I was wondering why they kept on leaving.

I was sleeping for about 10 minutes when those noisy kids came in and woke me up. They quieted down and got out their books. They just were looking at their books for a half an hour. I heard people say they love reading, so I figured they were doing reading. But as you know, I'm not always right. So they did that for about 2 hours then left again.

I was sleeping again when them noisy rotten kids came in and woke me up! They quieted down and did their writing. I overheard some of their really good stories. The lady that usually comes in on Wednesday came early. Then they started handing out candy. Man it looked good! I was so tempted I almost ran.


Wednesday, February 7, 2007

A little different day...

The day was Wednesday, February 7th. When the bell rang, I plugged my ears becuase I thought the kids would come in. I plugged my ears for nothing. When I took out my ear plugs the kids ran in screaming for the closet. I looked around and there was a huge tent-like thing. Miss T. said "Line up on the other side. I yelled, "WHAT'S HAPPENING? DID I MISS SOMETHING? I WANT MY MOMMY!" Everyone was scared. Miss T. said, "Everyone only gets one piece of bread and half a jug of water." She turned off the lights. I screamed, "I TOLD YOU BEFORE...I'M SCARED OF THE DARK!"
Everyone got settled down, but then someone knocked on the door. Nobody ever knocks. What's happening? Am I dreaming? She gave Miss T. a note. Everyone talked. I heard someone yell, "Who was that?" Miss T. said, "Mrs. Marchand is a resistance fighter."
Then at 1:45 another teacher walked in. Everyone was quiet. The teacher said she needed someone. Miss T. said, "They are doing activities." The teacher said she would be back. I started screaming. I said, "Help me!" But then I passed out.


Friday, February 2, 2007

Newly Named

I am Mouschi :-)

Thursday, February 1, 2007

About Our Blog :-)

Greetings and welcome to our new blog! This blog is written by the 5th grade students of Miss Thompson in Mitchell, SD. We've chosen to write our posts as if they were written by our stuffed classroom dog. Its name is undetermined at this point, but as soon as we decide upon one, you'll be the first to know!
Keep checking back as we add more posts here!