Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Valentine's Day

It was 8:15 when my alarm clock went off. Miss T. was already in my room. I was just waiting for those kids to come in...finally they came in and startled me. There was this big box covered in tin foil. It had a big red heart in the middle. Then I saw the chocolate on Miss T's desk. I couldn't stop lookng at it. I was so interested that I didn't notice the lights go off and everyone leave. I was still looking at the chocolate when the kids came in. It was loud again. They were doing math when they left for about one-half an hour, came back and did their math for 15 minutes, and left again. I was wondering why they kept on leaving.

I was sleeping for about 10 minutes when those noisy kids came in and woke me up. They quieted down and got out their books. They just were looking at their books for a half an hour. I heard people say they love reading, so I figured they were doing reading. But as you know, I'm not always right. So they did that for about 2 hours then left again.

I was sleeping again when them noisy rotten kids came in and woke me up! They quieted down and did their writing. I overheard some of their really good stories. The lady that usually comes in on Wednesday came early. Then they started handing out candy. Man it looked good! I was so tempted I almost ran.



Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun Valentine's Day party to me!! :) What kind of a dog are you anyway? What stories were the kids reading to you? Sounds like a lot of learning going on in there! Have fun! :)

Jolene said...

I am a very unique breed...like a dalmation but floursescent green in color. My brother is bright orange. They must have fed us some crazy food when we were puppies! I like being unique, though. It makes for a good story starter. ;)

The kids were reading all sorts of stories. They weren't reading directly to me, but I did overhear some of Jake's Orphan and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. WOW! How interesting! I just wish I could read words so I could continue reading the books when the kids are out of the classroom! They definately have me hooked on books!

Every day in this room is extremely fun...I wish you could come and join us!

Anonymous said...

I wish I could be there, too!!
You sound like a very interesting dog! And your class sounds great!

Unknown said...

I like reading about the special days at school!! When is the next holiday for your class?

Anonymous said...

Do you wish you had a valentine's day card, Mouschi!?