Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Problem of the Day

Mrs. Moege announced that 80% of the girls were interested in taking the class trip, whereas only 70% of the boys were interested. Brett exclaimed, "That means that 75% of the class is interested in going on the trip." Is Brett correct? EXPLAIN. (At least 4 sentences.)


Daxx Wiebelhaus said...

I think so. If you have 80% and 70%, you need to find the average. The average of two numbers is the exact # in between. So, it is 75.

Aaron Muehler said...

brett is correct. he is correct because if you add 70% and 80% together you get 150%. if you divide that by 2 because there are two groups then you get 75%. which is the answer.

Unknown said...

You have to estimate 70% and 80% to get 75% so he was right

cole christensen said...

you have to average 80% and 70% to get 75% so brett is right

KW3227 said...

Brett is not correct. Brett is not correct because 80 and 70% does not equal 75%. It doesn't because 80% x 70% equals 56%. That's why Brett isn't correct.

mylesszabo:) said...

yes, because 70% is like 7 out of 10 and 80% is like 8 out of 10 which would mean 10-7=3 and 10-8=2 which means 3+2=5 which means we left out 5 and 10+10=20-5=15 15 is 75% of 20

Tevyn Waddell said...

Yes, beacause 70% of 20 is 14 and 80% of 20 is 16. If you add 16+14 is 30. If you divide 30 by 2 you get 15. And 15 is 75% of 20.

Addy Kenkel said...

Say there are 200 kids in the class. Then there would be 100 girls and 100 boys.So 80+70 =150 kids and that equals 75%. Yes he is right.

Kyle Jamison said...

take 80% pluse 70%= 150%.Then take 150%/2=75%.Yes brett is corect.

Kelsie Mastel said...

Heres My Real Answer...I Read The Question Wrong So I Have The Answer Wrong On My Other Comment...Sorry!

Brett Is Correct. When You Add The Boys 70% Plus The Girls 80% It Equals 150. Then You Divide 150 By 2 To Find The Average. 150 Divided By 2 Equals 75. Which Means Brett Is Correct.

Landon Dierks said...

Yes, Brett is correct. Brett found the average of the two percents. He took 80% + 70% =150%. Then he divided it by two (150% /2=75%). Thats why i believe that Brett is correct in saying 75% of his class is interested in taking the trip.

Austin Getty said...

Yes he is right. You have to find the average of 80% and 70% and that is 75%.

Jasmine Fritzemeier said...

If there is the is the same number of boys and girls in the class, yes, Brett is right. Brett is right because, if you start with the same number of boys and girls the ratio will always be equal. If there is not the same number of boys and girls in the class, Brett is wrong. Brett would be wrong because,if you had more boys the percentage of students wanting to go on the trip would go down. The percentage would go down because,the percentage of boys is lower. Likewise for the girls except their percentage would go up.

Jasmine Fritzemeier
Block 4

Christian Fossum said...

He maybe right he maybe wrong. It depends how many girls and boys are in the class. If there is 10 boys and 10 girls he is right. But if there is 5 girls and 10 boys hes wrong.

jacob said...

yes, brett is correct. my work is
100+100=200 150/200 divided by 2
equals 75/100

Unknown said...

Brett is correct because 20% of the girls and 30% of the boys don't want to go on the trip the average of the two are 25%. Mean while the other 80% of the girls and 70% of the boys still want to go. The average of the two numbers are 75%. So 75% of the class are interested in going.

Unknown said...

yes. you average 80% and 70% and then you get the outcome of 75%.

Challie :) said...

If Bret was in our class then yes he would be correct. We have 18 students in class which is 9 girls and 9 boys. It says that 80% of the girls wanted to go and 75% of the boys did too.If you take the average of the two percents it is about 75%. I think he is correct.

Challie :)

Andrea Konz said...

If there are 100 kids in the class. 50 boys and 50 girls. I took boys times .7 which equals 70 percent and as an answer for boys i got that 35 were interested. I did the same for girls and took them times .8 which is the same as 80 percent and got an answer of 40 girls who were interested. So i took the total of the boys + the total of the girls and got 75. 75 over 100 = 75%. YES he is right

Shelby Olson said...

Brett is correct. Because you take half of 80 and half of 70. And that would be would be 40 and 35. And then you add them together and then they equal 75.

Gillian said...

because 75 percent plus 75 percentis 150 percent. 80 percent plus 70 percent also 150 percent.it's like you added and averaged 70 and 80 percent. brett is correct, 75 percent of the class was interested.

Koln Thie said...

i think its a false question.i think its one because you do not know how many student there are. if we knew how many there were it would work.

calvin gilb said...

Brett add the two digits. Next he divide the sum of the two digits by 2. Which is 75 percent. So brett is correct.

Jolene said...

The answer: Carlos is incorrect. We don't know the number of students in the class. There could be 10 girls and 18 boys. If that were the situation, it would mean 8 girls and 12.6 boys were going, for a total of 20.6 students. However, 75% of the class would be 20 students, not 20.6.