Friday, March 30, 2007

Been a while

Beeeeep...the bell rang. The kids didn't come in. I got worried. Then I heard some noise. The door opened and kids came bursting in really loud. I tried to ask where they were by no one could hear me. It was too loud.

So then Miss T. told them to be quiet and sit in their desks. Then all of a sudden everything got quiet!! Then after a few minutes it got quieter and everybody formed a very straight line. Then they all walked out the door and the lights were turned off. I WAS SCARED! Will they come back? Where did they go?

Then I fell asleep...



Anonymous said...

wow the homework last night was hard. it took me a long time do it.

Anonymous said...

They probably went with Miss T. Why is the person scared?

Anonymous said...

tha mouschi thingy is confusin
what does mouschi mean??