Monday, April 2, 2007

What an afternoon!!!

2:13 came and everyone sat down. Then miss T. had a bowl of sticks and picked one. Then peple got up and asked questions to the ther one. But my favorite one was when this one girl got dressed up like the doll she had and there was a girl with a paper hat and a guy or girl I don't know. They were wearing a hat. I couldn't see, and she or he got hurt because they were limping. I felt sorry for that girl/guy. But then they had these wierd papers that I wanted to eat.

I don't like my spot in the classroom because I couldn't see the first and last group. I was mad because after that this noise rang and hurt my ears. So I closed my eyes. Next thing I knew I was all alone and it was dark and scary.

At the end I think I had the best day ever. Except...they didn't feed me!!!

~ Mouschi~


Anonymous said...

Sounds like the kids had an interesting day! They should put you in a better spot so you can give us a better idea of whats going on, or at least let you know whats going on. Also looks like they need to feed you more! Can't wait to hear from you again!!!!

Anonymous said...

well just to let you know you are a good teacher nother to do with the story but oh well